©2021 Micheala Frizelle

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The Phone Call from School that no Parent wants to get
April is Autism Awareness month.  As a mother of a neurodivergent son (Autism, dyslexia and sensory processing disorder) I thought I’d share some of our family experiences with you. When my son was younger, he struggled at nursery and primary school; struggled mixing with large groups of children, lots of noise and transitioning between tasks. […]
April is Autism Awareness Month. What is Autism?
As the mother of an autistic child, awareness for me is a start, but I woulds like to see  acceptance and understanding of what autism is, what it means for the autistic individual and their life as well as the impact to their family. I will be writing a number of blogs during April with […]
Do you know what Endometriosis is? Would you recognise the symptoms?
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, but what is Endometriosis, who does it affect, how do you treat it and what impact does it have on their lives? All women will know someone or have a friend with the condition, and this is the experience described by my friend.  When my friend told me that she […]
I’ve never tried Reflexology – what can I expect?
There’s nothing to be nervous about when you have your first reflexology session. Reflexology is a holistic therapy.  It is a gentle, safe therapy that’s designed to relax and re-balance your whole body. Reflexology is based on the principle that the feet contain mini maps of the whole body and by applying pressure using the […]

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