©2021 Micheala Frizelle

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Relax, Restore, Revive

I am a fully qualified Reflexologist in Northampton, specializing in providing a tailored personal treatment that brings tranquillity to your mind and body and allows your daily stresses to wash away.

You might be living with reduced mobility, feel tired, overly stressed, or just want to give yourself some important alone time in a peaceful, secluded location. Whatever your needs may be, I am experienced in adapting my reflexology treatment to suit your situation, leaving you feeling lighter on your feet, more rested, and clearer in your mind. This is your chance to let go of pent-up emotion and tension in a way that suits you, without fear of judgment.

If you are interested in seeing a Reflexologist in Northampton, feel free to get in touch and arrange your first session.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a complementary therapy that involves the application of pressure to specific points, known as reflexes, on the feet and hands to encourage the body to heal from within. The feet and hands contain ‘mini-maps of the whole body, and by applying pressure using the fingers or thumbs, a reflexologist can have a positive effect on the corresponding parts of the body.

The treatment is a holistic therapy, since it treats the person as a whole, rather than just focusing on a set of symptoms. Holistic therapies take the emotional and spiritual being into account as well as the physical. Most people tend to associate the feet with reflexology, but the treatment also works on the hands, and hand reflexology is often used as a self-help tool.

Reflexology is so much more than a simple foot rub or hand massage – it is a powerful therapy that boosts overall health and wellbeing through the way it restores balance. When a part of the body is not working at its best, a sensitive area will be found in the corresponding part of the foot or hand when pressure is applied. By working over these sensitive reflexes through a number of reflexology treatments, the tenderness will usually reduce as the body returns to a state of homeostasis.


Reflexology is suitable for people of all ages, from babies to the elderly, and can bring relief for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. This is due to the way reflexology restores the body’s natural equilibrium and stimulates its natural healing capacities. While reflexology never claims to cure, diagnose, or prescribe any particular conditions, it has been shown to help with the following issues:

  • Migraines        
  • Arthritis      
  • Sleep issues   
  • Sports injuries     
  • Hormonal issues
  • Digestive disorders 
  • Stress-related conditions

To learn about the additional treatments offered alongside reflexology in Northampton, please see my Other Treatments page.

© Micheala Frizelle

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